Think of me as the one person who knows what it’s like to have severe anxiety and depression. I experienced them for over half my life.
I understand how devastating they can be; jobs have to be given up, relationships break down and lives change beyond all recognition. These can be scary times.
The work I do changes lives. I write books, blogs, programs, run live webinars and real events. This is to raise awareness and help you understand how to beat depression and anxiety.
I have seen peer-to-peer support help people recover faster more than any other method.
There’s nothing like a knowing “nod”, a little smile of encouragement or a virtual hug to make us feel better. I know how you feel, I accept you no matter what and I encourage you to recover.
Join me and start your journey on helping yourself beat depression and anxiety.

Contact Me
For all media enquiries contact my agent:
Fiona Lindsay
Limelight Management
T: +44 (0)20 7384 9950